Project SPARK (Supporting and Promoting Advanced Readiness in Kids) is another version of the Young Scholars Model (Horn, 2014), which seeks to increase representation of diverse groups in gifted programs and supporting achievement among these students.
Project SPARK is funded by the U.S. Department of Education's Jacob K. Javits Gifted and Talented Students Education program, and is the 2014 grant recipient.
Dr. Catherine A. Little, Professor in UConn's Neag School of Education, leads the project as the Principal Investigator.
The co-Principal Investigator is Dr. Jill Adelson, Associate Professor in Educational Psychology, Measurement, and Evaluation at the University of Louisville.
Project SPARK focuses on early identification and intervention among students in grades K-2 in 22 schools throughout Connecticut. The project provides enrichment lessons during the school year, and a summer enrichment program. The goals are to get students ready for gifted program identification, as well as broaden teacher perceptions of giftedness among students from diverse backgrounds.